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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sri Lanka Muslim Congress may withdraw support to the government over the Dambulla mosque issue

Apr 29, Colombo: Sri Lanka political sources say that government coalition party Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) leader Rauf Hakeem, also the Minister of Justice, has planned to meet Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremasinghe in the parliament next week.
Sources say that the SLMC is under pressure from the Muslim leaders and the diplomats of certain Muslim countries to withdraw support to the government over the controversy surrounding the mosque in Dambulla.
Sri Lanka's Prime Minister and Minister of Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs D.M. Jayaratne, said last week the government had decided to relocate the mosque which is said to be situated in the sacred area of the Dambulla Raja Maha Viharaya.
Hakeem told the media Saturday after concluding the party's High Command meeting that his party was opposed to any attempt to relocate the mosque, but said would work to promote communal harmony and co-existence among communities.
Political sources say that the SLMC has already begun discussions with the major opposition United National Party (UNP). Several top runners of the two parties have taken part in the discussions, according to sources.

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