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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Edward Jayakodi Mp3 Free Downloads

Download Links

Here are some of the links to download songs of another great singer - Edward Jayakody

Akeekaruda Obe Sithath - click here

Akuru Maki Naha - click here

Bindu Bindu Mal Wasse - click here

Dasamasak Kusale Dara - click here

Epa Sande Obe Sina Me Raye - click here

Gan Wathura Gala - click here

Hari Hambakarapu Dewal - click here

Kopara Kopara - click here

Landu Owiti - click here

Mage Kandulin Nimalu Mawathe - click here

Marambari - click here

Me Mal Yaye Ma Ha Ekweela - click here

Me Prema Katha - click here

Minisa Handata - click here

Neth Dahan - click here

Nil Nuwan - click here

Obe Ru Siriyen - click here

Pansale Palliye - click here

Raye Hama Aa - click here

Siri Yahane - click here

Wasanthaye Aga - click here

Yali Udawu Wasanthe - click here


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